One of the things I’ve been very skeptic about is digital spirituality instead of physical, as in apps that choose Tarot Cards for you in digital readings, YouTube Reiki videos, Pick A Card Readings, etc.
Because, really, how can a video made in the past for the general population, anyone who comes across it, be accurate?
The one time that twisted my mind was the day I was choosing my very first car. Tiredly in the afternoon I fell onto my bed and opened up YouTube and began watching a Pick a Card Reading. It got a lot of things correct but vague things that could have easily been simple coincidences… but all of the sudden she says, “I feel you’re making a big decision at the moment, like buying or choosing a car, likely your first.”
Oh my word. Mad skeptics who refuse to have an open mind may have a stubborn excuse for how this was possible but, for me, it made me start to think of a spiritual explanation as to how this happened.
I believe that in ensuring things are random, to make sure that everything is by chance and therefore all the more impressive if it’s on the dot. Here’s the great thing; Pick a Card Readings are the epitome of random and circumstance.
You had to go on YouTube at the right time, have to had watched the correct videos to be recommended that video, you had to scroll just the right amount and you had to make the decision to click on that video. All of those variables could easily be intercepted by our guides, slowly influencing us to make just the right amount of choices and the specific choices needed to land us up on that video out of hundreds and hundreds of other videos.
Maybe you don’t believe that but if you want an explanation of “Could this really be a message meant for ME, not just for anyone? And not just a general, vague coincidence?” this may be an explanation.
Over the years I’ve had a lot of encounters with such videos that have insanely specific details. Even if one or two details are wrong, like I make sure to say before I do readings, “If there’s a mistake or anything is incorrect, it’s me, not the cards.” as the person reading could easily just not be the best as interpreting the messages which may otherwise have been correct.
Even on another front; Reiki videos showing up for something the algorithm couldn’t have known. Like my favourite Reiki YouTubers, Sarah Louise Tilsley and Silver Hare, posting strangely specific things like “Reiki for Back Pain” after I slept on the couch one night out of spontaneity and had a sore back or “Reiki for Curse Removal” after I learnt I likely have a family curse- neither of which I googled or spoke about around any of my devices.
I’m still extremely skeptical about Tarot and Oracle card apps, but a lot of times for quick yes or no questions I close my eyes and ask my guides to please let me look at the time so that if the last number is even the answer is yes and if the number is odd the answer is no, so maybe I’m a bit of a hypocrite, I believe they intuitively let me feel when the right time is to look at the time on my phone.
At the end of the day believing in this sort of stuff depends totally on your beliefs and your beliefs alone. I just hope I maybe gave you another point of view to consider before you take some Spirituality YouTuber seriously or not.
Sending you lots of love and light,